Life Is Sound

014 | Unlocking The Secret To Manifestation w/ Chelsea Fox

Knew J Episode 14

In this episode we discuss the art of manifestation and our how perspectives and energy systems can help us bring in the life we desire. Today's guest is Chelsea Fox, an energy healing coach. with a wealth of knowledge on how to manifest the life you want. Chelsea works with her clients, helping people understand what may be blocking them from calling in the life they truly seek, helping them dive deeper into understanding themselves, shifting patterns and moving into a flow state where real manifestation occurs. I am truly humbled by the knowledge and wisdom that Chelsea has so early on in her life and as you hear her speak throughout this episode, it's easy to see why she is current on the path she is on, doing the work she is doing. As usual, some incredible gems here, so be sure to tap in and also share with someone who you may know will also enjoy this episode.

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hello good people welcome back to life in sound today I've got a guest who I've been super excited  to have on the show if you are interested in drawing things into your life designing the  life that you want a manifesting things that you desire however that looks then please stick around  for this episode all the way to the end I'm super excited because this is the world that I  think in and I'm very intrigued by when I spotted today's guest on Tik Tok randomly in the algorithm  I was watching a couple of videos and I was I was actually blown away I was like wow I've never  heard that perspective before should I message this person and just see if she'll come on my  podcast and I asked her to follow me on tik tok she did I dropped her a message I said hey would  you like to come on my podcast she asked my Instagram and said yeah there is I'm a legit  person like I'm real like I'm not trying to kidnap anyone and she messaged back and said yeah I'd  love to and that is manifestation she's here today so I have it we're on the podcast so today's guest  is Chelsea Fox Chelsea if you want to say hello to the listeners who you are in in your world  and what you do then we'll get into it okay so I am Chelsea and I've been an energy healing coach  now for two and a half years I started off doing Reiki healing and quickly learned that there is  so much more to this Than People realize I think when you dive into any work of any sort you kind  of only scrape the surface but the longer you do for the more you realize so I quickly just wanted  to tell everyone and everyone about um about what I know but as you as you will realize the more  that you tell people things the more overwhelming it can get so it kind of creates the system of  how I deliver information just so it really speaks to people so I did a lot of work with  like quantum mechanics and things so that I kind of had proof behind what I was talking about so  I get messages all the time from people that say my perspective on things has really helped shift  um their idea of manifestation about life and that's kind of the process behind what I do  so yeah amazing I think that's one thing when I came across your tits up page I was so impressed  like how clear and concise you see things but also things I've heard before but the way you delivered  it I was like I've never heard that in that way before and that was why I thought I really wanted  to connect with you because I thought obviously you're you're on your own Journey you've got  people tapping into your social media and you can see it growing and the way you brand it like  the way you're doing things is somebody I can see you manifesting I can see it all happening yeah  so listening to videos I thought it'd be great if we could connect and delve into a bit more  of your world and and who you are so before we just start recording I asked how old you were and  you told me and I was like that is incredible for somebody to be on this journey at such a young age  where are you going to be in like 20 years time you're gonna be like literally like a wizard of  some sort you know just creating magic so what influence you to get started in in this world so I  think to be honest I think that the pinpoint of my kind of big transition into this was my nan passed  away when I was I think it was around about 10 or 11 and I became obsessed with like the afterlife  and all of these things I was like surely there's going to be a way to connect with her  um and so that kind of really piqued my interest and it was more so like the psychic side of things  um because I was very close to my nan and I always felt here around so I kind of dived  into that I was always on YouTube but YouTube wasn't really that big of a thing then so there  wasn't that much information on there so I think it kind of came from that point I always knew that  I was going to go down a spiritual path but I didn't know what it would look like and I was  speaking to before about my mum she's a yoga instructor so she's always been open-minded  um so I think it's kind of an accumulation of things but I think if I could pinpoint one thing  it would be that because that really changed my perspective on life and on like the afterlife  and yeah things beyond the physical I think we're very similar listening to you say that that's kind  of where my past started losing somebody and then probably a for money for myself having that that  want to connect with the person that that I'd lost in is there something after and I'll share this  it's it's not easy probably for some people to listen to but when my girlfriend passed away like  when I actually was in front of her and it's the first person I'd ever seen transition in that way  I saw something that was so beautiful that yeah I saw her go to the next place yeah and for people  that have had that experience you can't you know really put it into words words that moment changed  me for the rest of my life and the people I've met after that that moment that shifted me onto what  we would call a spiritual path it did start along that getting to know a woman called Cara who was  um you know a medium having my first reading her telling me about Reiki her teaching me about  light and dark this is when people something you know people in the spiritual world only operate  in life without understanding the dark and she she said look if you're stepping into this world  Please be aware of both sides so she was like the first person like an elder that was like  you can do this but just be careful yeah so you you saying that has just like triggered a few  memories so it's very similar and then I got into Reiki and you know energy work and stuff like that  um so to hear you say that I think it's people on a path a lot of it does come from some type of  trauma and then you asking questions going within trying to make sense of life and the world and  like you said you knew you were going to go down a path and what you said as we were coming here was  you can never fully know what this path is going to be once you run it you kind of just have to  go with the flow you can call things in you can say I want this to happen but you end up  things just coming in and working that way so what type of work do you do with with people because  I've only seen you on on your social media page can you speak a bit about like how you help people  shift in their lives and and design the lives and manifest things so a lot of the people that  come to me they are experiencing certain things in their life so like it might be feeling stuck  it might be um attracting the same people all the time or just many different things but I basically  give them the meaning behind why these things happen because it's not just coincidence sometimes  it is literally just because this has happened and then this has happened and that's the result  that you've ended up in so um for example one thing that many people don't realize is a lot  of people that feel stuck a lot of this comes from like a chakra imbalance but it actually goes  back to Childhood so a lot of people who have a poor relationship with their father they end  up being this very hyper-independent self-reliant individual but it causes this massive imbalance in  the body and it's what Chinese medicine refer to as the yin and yang but it's actually what I would  know as the chakras and so when I do energy work with them or I speak to them about the experiences  they have in and they say I feel stuff I feel stuck and I feel lost and I say okay what's the  relationship with like with your father and then they start diving to that and I'm like that is the  reason that you've been in this period of your life for such a long time because it's normal  to have these like Ebbs and flows and you know be stuck and come out of it but to be in that state  for so long it's unnatural and it does something more to it yeah and I think that's the thing that  people don't recognize is just the energy behind it and no one really dives into that because  I think it's very hard to grasp especially if like the way that our brains are designed is to only  focus on the physical and if there's no proof and there's no we can't categorise it we don't  know what to do with it and because we haven't been taught to step outside of that there's not  much more we can do with our environment and the experiences that we have we're kind of  just a victim to it right and and that's the thing that I want to teach people is there's a way out  of it but you've got to look further than what you are actually seeing with your eyes so yeah  um but every time I do these classes or I have people that come to me for coaching they're always  Blown Away with how many things I can connect from their life that ends them in this place  and they always say I can't believe that these things I've experienced has come  from this point and has ended me here and so it always gives them so much Clarity and I  think that's the one thing that you need to get out of a situation that you feel  completely lost in is just that Clarity and that root out I suppose the path ahead so  that's kind of what I do with my clients is just give them that path out based on  what they're actually experiencing and the energy behind it not just focusing on how they feel yeah  um so yeah that that's kind of what I do with my clients and that's the evidence of this thing  being real is the shifts afterwards it's it's not like you're just saying this to people and  then nothing changes yeah from giving people this information about where these issues can be coming  from and why are you feeling stuck in stagnant in your life because of these energy blocks  when you're showing people that you're then seeing the transition where these things are shifting so  that is the evidence we can't physically it's it's a very strange world that we operate in yeah this  is why we get so many skeptical people but when you have people like yourself running a successful  business and really shifting lives of people that is the evidence of this stuff is real and  what's your take on science and spirituality because I think eventually these two the  bridge between the two is just going to build and everything's gonna make a bit more sense whether  it's in our Generations or another lifetime yeah I think the Unseen and the unknown that's what  science is people trying to discover that but in this world the energy world you know the blockages  the the energy system science still is in a bit of a skeptical place and there is individuals  given his information and and teaching us and for you to be doing at the age you're doing it  is amazing but what's your kind of take on the direction of that and how long it it might take  honestly in my opinion I think it would be a long time because what science focuses on is  the physical matter and there is so much more to life than the physical and and I  always use the example of like the way that a fly would perceive life the way that a dog  would perceive life the way that we perceive life is very different but it's the same thing  that we're experiencing and until we're ready to really step out of that idea of things are  physical and there's nothing really much more to life than that then we can dive into it but  I don't think it's going to be something that can happen for a long time because like I said before  we need proof we need to be able to categorize information and things outside the physical are so  infinite and so like there's so much to that that we couldn't categorize it and we couldn't try to  um simplify it so I think it would be a long time before that would be the case  but I know there's a lot more people that are waking up and a lot more people that are  bringing the proof into the physical themselves like for me like this path to me is undeniable  because of the many many experiences I've had with had it proven to me so I think over time it  will be a case of people finding their own proof and following that more than following science  um but again I think that would probably be a long time before science caught up because  science is so amazing but it's also missing many points I think yeah I think you're saying that  you know the proof and it's a big thing I was going to wait a bit further into the episode  but I just thought maybe this is the right time to go with it but what's been happening to me  recently has been so undeniable that I'm like this thing is like a game I can have a thought  and then the person around those thoughts or the things I want to bring into my life  the showing up yeah and it wasn't just one day it was two days three days two weeks in  a row three weeks in a row and then I'm like I feel like I'm on drugs I said to my mom I  said I feel like I'm on drugs at the moment she said oh yeah and I went no it's just this is so  trippy what is happening and I've had to write it all down because to let these things just go and  not not have have them on paper and go all these things just happen in alignment so one of them was  last year as as listeners will know like my back completely went I was like immobile I  couldn't really walk I've done two crutches no it's it's fine and I'm really speaking  positivity into that and and telling myself like I'm good I'm strong all the you know affirmations  and I was doing some stretches at home and I thought is it time to go back to yoga  my yoga teacher who had not spoke to for about four to five years maybe had minimal interactions  on Instagram just message me on Instagram hi James how's things yeah I just replied it's time and she  said yeah I think so so that was like the first thing I was like well okay and then you try and  brush it off like yeah it's just coincidence and then my friend was running like a breathwork sound  healing class and as I said I was just calling to go to it so I could do that like I've not been  to one for a while so I went it was amazing like it's beautiful event and I'm a musician so I love  observing sound without a critical brain without going oh what's that doing yeah oh how are they  doing that it's just sitting back and just letting it be and that's the first time I can do that  with music and so on when I'm in you know those spaces and I was at home again I was stretching  and I thought I wonder if Meg does one-on-one sound healing sessions she messages me on  Instagram hey wondering if you fancy coming to do a 101 sound healing session as long as you let me  film it and I was like you're not gonna believe this but I was literally I just had the thought  yeah so it was number two the third thing was my friend Jamie who's been on the podcast again she's  a yoga teacher she said she's moving back to Manchester and I just thought I wonder  if Jamie would be up for doing like one-on-one yoga and just you know really get me mentally  stable in that space where I know routines and and trying something new with somebody that I trust  she messaged me and said hey I'm moving back to Manchester wondering if you wanted to do  any one-on-one yoga yeah I really want to help you like support you know with you back and strength  on that that's like three out of about 10 things that just happened over a couple of weeks yeah  when we say like it's coincidence I'm trying to reframe this to people and say when these things  happen in your life and people have been saying similar things to me but just passing it off is  it just like it's normal I said these are small Lottery wins yeah that's you putting the lottery  numbers on and I'm coming true yeah in little ways but we just go oh it's coincidence yeah and  the word coincidence like the the origin the Latin origin of it is  to occupy the same space oh wow yeah two things occupy in the same space so it's  like coincidere or coincidere however they would have pronounced it in medieval Latin times yeah  now when we say coincidence the language is kind of Taken form of oh it just happened  by a chance yeah but that's not the origin of the word it's two things existing in the same  space yeah so that's the way I try and see it is it's not coincidence this is you having a thought  and a frequency and everything working outside of that to come towards you what do you try and  like tell people to if if they're in that state that's a magic State something's happening and  we can Snowball Effect now what would you say to somebody in that space how do you keep that going  so the state that you're in at the minute I think it's it's what I would refer to as like  a receiving State and the main way that happens is you have to be so solid in your sense of self  and you have to almost create this like I the only way that I can explain it it's almost like  a Runway and you've got to let things land and if that Runway isn't stable Nothing's Gonna land  right you've got to have those solid foundations of your sense of self because when you do that  um you open the cycle chakra which is the receiving energy right and that's also the  frequency of trust so it's almost like there is zero resistance to the things that you're thinking  about so it will come a lot quicker but it's only because you've got those solid foundations and I  made a video the other day about um money and which went semi-viral which always brings in  a little bit of heat and so I made some videos explaining what I was saying about about money  specifically am which is that everything outside of you although it's a frequency and energy you've  got to treat it almost like a friend right so the relationship you have with money it's got  to be like a friend so the video that I made was about how a lot of people use money for validation  so the video that I said I said in that was um if you were to win the lottery or win a lot of  money and your first thought is I'm gonna pay off their debt I'm going to pay their house I'm going  to pay for their car so that they're proud of me so that they appreciate me so that they love  me that's for validation so you're gonna have a poor relationship with money and the way that I  explained that was you know that friend that you have and they kind of will throw everyone under  the bush just to make people like them that's what you're doing with money so why would money want to  be your friend why would money want to come into your life because money will only come to you if  you're studying your power and that's when you're in that receiving energy and I feel like that's  where you're at at the minute it's just like really stood in your power owning who you are and  things are just going to come and meet you there yes why not it feels also the the then the danger  and the worry and this is definitely what I experienced I know if you've ever done meditation  or you've been in a space and you go to like a bit of a deeper meditation and you go oh I'm here I'm  I'm doing it yeah and then because you've done that you snap out of it and I think that's a bit  of where I'm at now with manifest manifesting things and drawing things and people and events  and circumstances into my life yeah which is a beautiful thing to to witness and be aware of  I think then there's a little bit of worry of yeah right when's this going to stop yeah because this  is this is a lot it's intense and I think in the past because mid twin is when things like this  were happening I smoked a lot of the time I smoked a lot of weed so I'd always put it down to like oh  you overthink too much or yeah I think you've been smoking you just see things like probably  not correct I always doubted it now at this age where you know my mind's clear my system's clear  I'm like it's overwhelming because it's like whoa this is literally like a game and  what would you say to to people that are in that state that have little doubts like myself creeping  in because can we then start to block the things we're manifested by letting that doubtful energy  creep in we can and I think it it just comes back to that resistance but what I try to teach people  is how you can be in that received State and you can always get that back like you can all as long  as you know what to do to put yourself back in that state and the example that I always use is  if someone's gonna go and lose weight they'll make a plan but they'll make that plan when  they're in that high energy when they're so motivated and they don't ever account for the  days where they're really low and they can't get out of bed so it's not really a plan it's it's a  plan that's going to fail so the advice that I always give is to know what to do when you get  those low moments when you get those resistance when you get um those like mental blocks and what  you can do to snap yourself back again which is just to come back to those foundations take  yourself out like start to feel solid in your sense of self again um and you can do that by  like cleaning your environment get in the shower like just doing things to prioritize your physical  body and come back to that creative state so I had a woman the other day who had had a business for  four years and nothing came of it and it's because she would wait for people to comment on her posts  before she made a video she would wait for people to buy her programs before she decided they were  valuable so everything was accidental so she was not creating from inside anymore it was all to  do with validation so the advice that I gave to her was take a step back find that creative space  like go and read a book and then like you might read a paragraph on that and think oh my God I  really want to make a video on this oh my God I need to tell someone about this this is amazing  and when you're in that high energy like I need to share this I I need to create with  this I need to move with this information that's when you're in that flow statement that's when  you create and that's when everything comes to you and that's what I do my business now  like I was just talking to you before about how the energy behind my business is now completely  different and I had a memory pop up on my phone the other day with video I posted I think it was  two years ago and I was watching myself talk and I was like that's not high energy that is so low  like you must have been such a low point when you made that video so the way that I deliver it now  I will only make videos I will only move with my business if I'm in that state because it's my PR  it's my response possibility to prioritize having those foundations but it comes within that sense  of self so if you're experiencing things like you are right now eventually it will start to fizzle  out because life moves mindsets change like all these things but you know now to come back find  your Center self find that stability in your body again like prioritize how you feel and then find  that creative place again so like obviously with the podcast you know you want to help a lot of  people so it's coming back to the why of why you're doing things but then everything around  you shifts so even life outside this podcast it's completely and utterly different because  the energy of you is completely different yeah so it's just I think it's about being in that flow  state but it's so much more than being in that flow State it's the creative aspect of it it's the  trust behind it and it's all the same frequency so if you can activate that in your sense of self  just in your daily life it's going to manifest in your business it's going to manifest with your  friends it's gonna it's gonna just be everywhere because you've got it in your Center cell and I  think that's the mistake people make they think they have to find it accidentally yeah and you  just can't do that and when when you move with a certain energy it's like that person that walks  into the room that you go I want to know that person yeah or there's a person that walks into  room you go ah that Vibe yeah another one and when you when you're in that place where you're  gravitating people and things towards you another thing I noticed people just started talking to me  about and opening up to me about certain things and I'm trying not to say bro you don't understand  what's happening at the moment because I don't want to ruin their flow of them opening up but  I work from home and I've worked from home since the starting pandemic my job can't be done in the  office environment because I produce music so no one wants me in an office making noise so at the  moment I work at home I've got a studio just being built and I had to go into the office and there's  a guy called Jason who's like yes James I've been listening to your podcast yeah I didn't expect him  to tap into this he was like that's what the world needs more positivity so again I'm in this Flow  State so I'm like I've come into work I've not seen people for a while yeah and pretty much all  people spoke to me about was the podcast oh wow so I was like oh it's just it's just confirmation  to keep going because I'm touching people that I didn't think would would receive this  and it's made me realize maybe that type of person is receiving this because the message is coming  through someone like me who he can relate to yeah and then another guy that works there  oh he started a podcast started that and then he opened up to me and then we started talking about  difficulties men face in life and you know mental health and everything and manifestation and he  was talking about you know just being the best version yourself and what that does and then  we both look to each other like we both never knew we were we were this way but the conversation that  opened up just by Jason walking past yeah yes bro this DJ podcast yeah that then opened up  and I said I said to him I said Evan these every time I leave my house I work from home so I can  pretty much apart from when I want my dog be at home you know Monday to Friday and see minimal  people and then obviously at the weekends are Mark doing different things and interacting  with humans but I said at the moment every time I leave my house it's not just a general  conversation it's conversation of substance and Confirmation and it's so beautiful when you're  in that energy again it's it's it's overwhelming but it's the magic of the universe and how this  life actually is yeah we are co-creators here too yeah you know pull in everything we we  desire and everything we should be able to create  and it's our own blockages that stop us doing that what what would you say is some of the  most common blockages you have with people that are coming to you what do you see quite regular  honestly I'd say it's more there's a lot of things that people want to do that I've noticed but it's  the people that they surround themselves with and so I watched the videos the other day and it  really spoke to me that said when you're born you step into someone else's reality so it's either  your mother or your father or a combination of different people but none of that is yours  but that's how you learn about life right that's how you learn to respond to life to receive life  and I was reading a book the other day and the shamans call it domestication and so in this book  they explained that at some point in your life you will experience the collapse of your story of your  domestication because it's not yours and at some point you either learn to come out of that or you  struggle for so many years trying to maintain that because it's not you and that's the biggest block  that I feel a lot of people faces knowing that it's not really you that you're dealing with but  not knowing who you are and so a lot of people go down this spiritual path because they know there's  more to them but they just cannot seem to grasp it yet or you know it obviously doesn't happen  overnight it takes a couple of years to even get some sense of knowingness of who you are but  um I think a lot of it is just the subconscious programming that we experience in childhood like  the things that we're told about life about money about relationships about ourself and  half of it's not true like I always I made a video this day but I always say this about how  um the things you are told in life about about life about yourself about money about  relationships about your career what you can or can't do and if you're told at a young age by  someone else that's not a reflection of you that's a reflection of them that's where they're at but  you identify with it because that's all you can do at that age right that's that's all you know and  um the mind will just can only take so many pieces of information before it will identify that as a  belief system so if that's all you're around in your child or these people that tell you the same  things all the time yeah you you've got no choice right you kind of just stuck with that information  um but that would be the biggest thing that I'd say is the thing that people face with  these blockages is just so many belief systems opinions perspectives that just aren't theirs  yeah and kind of the unwillingness to let them go because they don't know what else is there and so  because we identify with it so deeply we're like this is me and you'll notice this with  very egotistical opinionated people they actually don't have a strong sense of sell because that's  why they identify with it so deeply is because it's kind of they Panic if they don't have that  because it's all that they do have right so yeah I'd say that was the biggest thing that people  face but it's not something that can be fixed overnight it does take a lot of time but like  you said things will everything in the universe is pushing you to grow and expand because that's  how energy has to move so the more you resist that the more suffering you'll cause yourself so like  I said about being in this Flow State like you wanting to heal yourself Universe it's like yeah  let's go go like send them all these people send them all these things because he needs to have  that experience so the universe is always going to push you down that path so it's not hard to be on  the spiritual path and work through these things if that's what you committed to because everything  will align so that that is the case the more that you resist that the more you dig dig a deep hole  for yourself and then it just becomes something that you can't really get out of yeah and  so yeah I'd say that was the biggest thing that people um experienced especially with  manifestation and energy is just that subconscious programming what if people have the intent and  this is like probably relates to a video I saw you post so say someone's like right I'm gonna  start doing property development and they go down that path and they have all the best intentions  and they they want to manifest that life yeah everything they come up against on that journey  is just not working for them what what is that because someone has someone has that real positive  intention but the manifestation isn't Landing with the intention and I think you beautifully  put that and I'll let you do it in your way because I won't do it justice when you were  saying you can try and attract something but if if your energy system is not on the same frequency  you're gonna have resistance there how do you kind of like for the listeners  when people are trying to call in things to the life but there's just blockages  so when we when we have energy blockages essentially what that is it's a resistance  of energy but it's something that we do so if you want to go down a certain path you change career  um just really change up your life and every step of the way the doors are just getting  slammed in your face that's the universe's way of going something's not right look deeper and this  is what the most successful people do in the world every time they reach like an obstacle  in their life or you know um that door someone in the face they go okay something's not right  how can I shift this they don't stop having the belief system of the things they're going to do  the things they're going to achieve they they just change themselves they adapt to it and so  when they do that they open up their energy more and so the video that I made was obviously if you  are wanting to manifest the color pink and your energy is saying purple there is no way you're  getting pink and so the universe will give you all of these moments to give you the opportunity to  shift that energy so that you can manifest that thing so I had that my own experience with that  um I've been doing this business for three years and there was one point where I literally just  gave up with it because every step of the way door slammed in my face nothing worked no one would  sign up for programs and I knew the information I had was valuable so I was just like what is  going on with this and so I've always been a very optimistic person anyway so I ended up saying to  my boyfriend I was like I think I think this is it now I can't give any more I gave my all like  maybe it just isn't meant to be and then a couple weeks later I had this meditation session and I  had this like download that came through that everything's gonna work from now on the last  couple years has taught you resilience now it's gonna shift okay and then the week after that  taken down and I was like this some sick joke like what is going on I had that confirmation  and then nothing worked again and so rather than just accept my fate with that and think  okay that's a sign because a lot of people do that like they see that closed door and they're  like design easy to do that yeah so instead of doing that I thought okay right this is  the universe's way or shift in this experience this is the thing that's going to change my life  because I'd actually been meaning to change my Instagram for a good six months and then  it came and I so rather than view it as this bad thing that you know was gonna consume me  and it was going to be the end of the thing that I was passionate about I changed my perspective  on it and I I choose to view every moment in my life now when it goes really wrong was just that  this is going to be the thing that changed my life this is getting me one step closer and this  is going to be the thing that shifts everything this is where I can let go of those blockages  let go of that resistance this is the universe's way of saying this is time to let it go and the  way that it does that is it makes something so big and so horrible and makes us experience this such  high level of suffering so that we actually see it and recognize it within ourselves so when people  always tell me they're experiencing um attracting the same people and the same like poor situations  I'm like it's because you're missing you're missing the thing that you need to recognize  within that situation so that you can let it go and a lot of times it is just a perspective change  and so I I did a masterclass the other day about how your perspective is the thing that sets you  free that's it because there there is this pocket of potential in every moment of your life and you  can choose to access that if you choose to look beyond the physical so that's what I do  now so some people will see that closed door and think it's not meant to be but I I say there's  something else behind that that's happening that I don't know about there's something that I need  to let go of there's something working behind the scenes that's going to help me to get where  I want to be so every moment to me even if it's a closed door is a gateway to where I want to  be amazing to maintain that belief system so that's how the perspective shifts but I feel  like it's just allowed me to access where I want to be even in like the hardest moments  um and like I said before to always be in that flow State and but it comes back to  energy right like if I if I was to try and like like you said go into property development and  this is the mistake people make with it as well is they think it's it's enough to have a mindset  shift and it's not like you still have to put things into physical form you have to put yourself  in front of the right people in the right places and that's when the opportunities come people  think they can sit at home and have those mindset shifts and the next minute they win the lottery  and it's like no like you have to go and do the lottery to win the lottery like you have to go out  and be someone else and act differently and change yourself in these moments so that things will come  to you like you've got to make an effort just as much as the universe is making an effort for you  I think you just brought up another thing that happened which I forgot to mention was and I've  been having a bit of um back pain and I think it's just from being on my phone and a laptop  with poor posture I was like I need a massage but I think I was podcasting the weekend doing  a couple of other things I didn't manage to go somewhere for a massage so I said I always get a  um you know mobile visit so yeah I've never done that I do that I feel a bit weird  about it but I'll do it it's just a massage so I went on a website bought this massage  this lady came around to my house at about seven o'clock by 705 she was telling me things that I  had only thought about that day so the three things I thought about was right this year I  really want to grow the podcasts reach more people help more people get guests on from a fire like  yourself you know down the road in Liverpool like you're not somebody I know yeah starts a branch  out so that was like one of my main thoughts that day sat down wrote it down and I'm like  right I'm gonna start micro dosing mushrooms I want to introduce myself to that world and really  step into it in the right way you know not taking mushrooms to have a trip and get high and go oh  that's great to actually like introduce myself to the energy and see how that works with my system  and then the other thing was I and I'm gonna I'm gonna go on a retreat this year  I don't know where I don't know who it is I don't know if it would be like a friend's  Retreat or abroad I just know I want to go on a retreat and I'm going to do some work  705 on the massage bench she goes my husband is um doing really well on Tick Tock he's grown his tits  up like about seven times he keeps having him take taken down he's grown his page each time  and he's got a podcast so The Tick Tock helps his podcast growing he's doing really well with  it yeah so I'm like oh that's that's interesting that's like specific thinking today yeah number  one so let that slide yeah then she goes yeah I went to a mushroom ceremony the other week I never  done mushrooms before and it's completely shifted my life so I went oh amazing she was like yeah I  know what I want to do now yeah so what what do you want to do she goes I want to hold retreats  doing this type of thing like mushroom ceremonies massage sound healing I went whoa listen now I  know I can talk to you about these things I said my three dominant thoughts today apart from maybe  what I'm gonna eat or oh I need a drink yeah we're only about these topics yeah so for the  whole hour we only spoke about that yeah and she left my apartment and I'm like what is going on  because that's like you said you can't just sit at home and have thoughts and expect these things to  come to you've got to go out into the world yeah and interact and let the Magic Mix and happen  but I was blown away because I was like just me at home I need a massage and the university let  me send the one person who is going to confirm those three thoughts to you yeah and make make  you understand that this is the right way of thinking and the right path yeah and I was  literally so a I felt relaxed after a massage so that was great but the bonus was I was just sat  there like what is this what is going on at the moment as well as all the other things so it's  when we have these little pieces of confirmation it's it's not talking ourselves out of it oh  that was weird because most of us go oh that was weird no that's not real because that's how we're  programmed to think like maybe it's a thinking we we lack deserving these things that we're gonna or  transition periods can be really scary if you're letting go of one version of you that you've  known and moving into a new one transition and a big thing for me that's coming up is realizing  who I've been and what I've done and who I'm who I want to be and what I'm I'm going to do  I don't have to let go of this yeah I can integrate the two yeah and create a new  thing that and I think is that something you try and guide people with as well like integration  because yeah this is coming up for me so it's probably great to speak about it with you yeah  that's been a big thing for me over the past couple of weeks I'm like I don't have to let go  of this to become this because this was positive this is a this is a form of me that I've been for  you know a long time James the musician the singer the producer the artist so if I want  to step into this space now more helping people go and do Music and Sound healing environments I've  always thought but I don't want to let go of that yeah now I'm like the two can just merge together  and be a really beautiful thing so do you try and teach that to people that come to you as well like  integrate in parts of yourself yeah 100 like there there's this idea that you know if you've been in  a part of your life especially if you're suffering as well like if you are in like a depression right  now or like you said like you've been someone that you don't necessarily resonate with um like a lot  of people fall into careers and friendship groups that aren't actually resonant with who they are  um and they think that that part of themselves is not valuable so I had a woman the other day that  um she's still being affected by this narcissistic relationship that she's been in and she just  really hated on this past version of herself that had fell into this relationship to begin with and  I'm like no that's such a big part of who you are like that is such a big part of your story  and that's what I tried to teach especially with like trauma and things like that trauma  never leaves the body but the way that it sits in your body is completely within your control  like you can easily just welcome that version of yourself in and integrate it as part of you and  that will help you on your story imagine if you were to fragment yourself over your lifetime and  never have access to those parts of yourself you'd be a shell of a person wouldn't you so  that's something I try to do in this business as well I noticed a lot of my experiences I wouldn't  value them because they were they were not the kind of magnitude that I wanted them to be or  they weren't what everyone else was talking about and I came to the conclusion that every moment in  my life has changed my life so I'm going to talk about it it's changed my life so it has the same  opportunity to change yours so that's kind of the perspective that I have now every time I leave my  house I'm like today is going to change my life and but also the the aspects of myself that I  almost leave behind they're still very like woven in My DNA like every part of my life like we were  saying before the coincidences and things like that every time you have like this coincidence  or this mindset shift you tend to lose an aspect of yourself because you walk into a new timeline a  new person but you couldn't have got there without that passivation yourself so you've got to honor  that and you've got to recognize that's part of your story and still carry it with you yeah  um I mean my mom always says to me when you climb to the top of the mountain you've always got to  look back and see where you've been because you wouldn't have been at the top without being at  the bottom of this and I always think that's so that's so interesting I try to do that often is  just look back on my own experiences the versions of myself that I've been and I try to bring them  into my life now so they don't forget them but also so that I can remember how much I've actually  shifted my life yeah yeah um and that's kind of what I teach other people now so the woman that  I was talking to um she really had to recognize who she had been in a life and the version of  herself and when we did that and we went back and we were talking about the way that she would  act the mindset she had she realized so much about herself now because she never looked back she just  completely disowned that aspect of herself and so she was integrating so much in the now moment  like even stuff to do with their mom to do with her dad like she just completely disassociated  from it and she brought so much Clarity into her now moments so that she could build a path forward  for herself because she had all that information from my past and I think it's such a big part of  your story to make sure you're still including aspects um of you that you've kind of let go of  um so that you can have that Clarity yeah because a lot of us try and  disregard like oh that that was the old me yeah like it's like it's a negative thing so I think  that that perspective even if that part of you was a really negative version of you or that part of  your life you just don't like to look back on it served you for where you're at and when you're  trying to go yeah everything like we said is not by coincidence and and I'm a big believer like  you can't have one thing without the other so we can't have the top of the mountain without  the bottom yeah we can't have left without right yeah can't have up without down we  can't live outside without inside that you can't know what it's like to be called if  you've never been warm so when you're in those dark places in life the only thing that's gonna  happen at some point is the opposite yeah and when we're riding high and we're manifesting  like you said we can be drawing all these things in but how life works is you could be  flying high and then something in your life can just disrupt that and what you said before it's  about getting back to that energy because life's circumstance is always going to come and you know  knock us off path whether we lose somebody or a relationship or a pet dying something  is going to always hurt at some point and maybe take you out of that magic and and  I believe we need to feel into those emotions as well feel what's going on in in the system  but he's learning not to stay there for too long it's learning to go right I'm going to take this  I'm gonna now move this into a magic Place yeah and that was evidence last year you know  everything that happened with my dad is is led me to be doing this and sitting here with you yeah  taking a negative into a positive yeah and even at that time I was I was like this is difficult  but I know it's serving me I know it's here for a reason it's happening to my dad but byproduct  that's happening to me as well so I think that's a beautiful perspective and what what would you say  to people that are in the darkest depths where if you said the word manifestation to them they  would run a mile officer so I don't I don't even want to hear that thing when you have clients that  are probably that you've probably experienced that are in that state where someone's recommended you  to them they see no hope they see no light what is the first thing that you would get someone to  to kind of do whether that would be uh via words or like physical things or you know cleaning the  space what are those small steps people can take to get out of that really deep Funk so the first  thing that I would always recommend and it's so hard to do but is it to accept where you're  at right and because someone can experience so much grief because grief is just a lack  of acceptance and it's a natural part of life but the level please please go back is a lack  of acceptance and it's purely because your mind likes to always predict what's going to happen  and even when people pass away and you know they're going to pass away like it's a prolonged  experience you still don't like to think about it happening and even in relationships you know  people are cheated on and things like that you never expect that to happen it's such a massive  shift but part of accepts that because you didn't predict it first right and so if you're in this  point in your life right now where you're just at the deepest darkest place you have to almost  accept where you're at because if you don't accept where you're at you can't acknowledge how to move  forward it's almost it's almost like if you were in in this room and the room is filling up with  water if you were to never accept it was filling up with water you'd never find a way out you just  you know you just you need to accept where you're at and the reason that I tell people to do that  is the the more you try to avoid your experiences and you move out of them and you're like I don't  want to experience this this isn't natural I don't like this the more you anchor them in  because there is a reason behind the experience and it's not when I say that people always  you know immediately say Well it you know what about these really bad moments in people's life  you can't say that that's just meant to be and it's not that it's meant to be but it allows you  to access a new part of you that's the the goal behind every experience the low moments the high  moments but the truth is in these low moments you access more of yourself than you ever would have  you know had you not gone through it so my advice to people is literally just accept where you're at  and then when you accept that I mean truly accept it I mean for me I had my son at 19.  so that was a whole experience for me I was in this really deep depression I was so desperate  to get out but I was also given up at the same time because everything I did didn't work  and at one point I just got on my knees and I was like Universe I will do whatever you want me to  do I give up like if you want me to go to Mexico on my own and take a one-way ticket I'm I'm gone  like I was so done in that moment and that's when the answers came because I surrendered to  the experience that's the big thing surrendering and learning yeah and I I always teach people the  more you try and Claw out the whole you're in the more you're going to miss the answers that are at  the bottom of this hole like if you're desperate to get out you're missing the value and the  experience and it's so hard to say that if it's a tough emotion that you're experiencing right now  but there's there's an aspect of you in this experience that you are missing and I was going  to explain that to you before and you were talking when I said to you you've got to go  out you've got to experience these these things you've got to put yourself out there and connect  with new people it's it's almost like in every moment in your life you're you're picking up a  key and you can unlock a box in your body and you can access a new part of yourself every moment is  going to teach you more about yourself and so these low moments will allow you to open the  key and access a new part of yourself and that's what the shamans were referring to when they said  every person's going to experience the collapse of your story of their story and that is the collapse  when you're in that deep dark hole and it's almost like you could it's almost like when you look back  you can watch all of the belief systems all the perspectives all of the things that you thought  were you just melt away because you you literally just give up and the person that you're staring at  in the mirror you're like I don't even recognize this because that's that's me that's I'm not all  of the things that I carried with me for so many years that's me and if I can recognize that and  I can build on that and I can do something new with that then I can make a beautiful life for  myself but it wasn't until I fully surrendered and essentially gave up that the answers came because  I wasn't resisting it anymore I kind of I did not didn't necessarily see the value in it and a lot  of people won't tell it out of the experience but you've got to allow things to play out as they do  and don't resist it just take it Moment by moment so if something's shifts in your life allow it  to be what it is and deal with it afterwards but also trust yourself enough to know that  whatever is happening in your life you can you can make it through like you've got to trust  yourself to take it one moment at a time and push through that because we like to think of the big  picture and if you if you always think of the big picture you're missing the tiny little moments  um throughout your life that are going to be the thing that set you free anyway so my partner  um his cousin is really young and she's got three kids under three and so she's she's pregnant at  the minute and she's like oh my God I don't know what I'm gonna do and I'm like if you think about  having three kids under three at your age you would collapse like that's so hard but when  you're in it you just take a moment by moment and you get through it yeah if you were to take  yourself out all the time and think oh my God I'm in this horrible situation and I'm depressed and  all of these things are going wrong you would just give up but you've just got to take it Moment by  moment and allow things to play out as they do and that's when the answers will come but it is that  surrender um but funnily enough when I figured out energetically is that Creative Energy that  you were talking about before and being in that high energy it's the same energy as surrendering  um and so that's what allows things to come in is because you let go and you don't necessarily  trust whatever's coming in but you you don't have any resistance to it and you just allow  things to be what they are and that's what allows the answers to come in but it's that  initial I don't want to feel this I don't I want to avoid this I don't want to be a part of this  experience that pushes all of that out and you just sink deeper into it because you are just  closing the doors and all of the things that will come to you in that experience when when what you  said then when you're creating for me creation if I think about in terms of music when you let go in  that moment of creation is when the magic fully comes when you're not being too in your head and  my friend jsd said it on the last one that's making music when you get in that state that's  the closest is what you could say to being close to God the universe when you snap out and you go  wow what was that that was incredible and it is you get there by letting go and not overthinking  the idea and just letting it flow you know not thinking about the outcome in six months when  you release this song no just be in the moment and and flow with it I've never heard that perspective  as well those two Energies actually a very similar surrendering and you know A Creative Energy so now  you've got my mind taken in in a way I've never thought about it's because you move into your  body and you give like the Mind gives up like I'm done I don't know what to do with this situation  I've thought about all the ways out they're not working the Mind gives up so you're able to move  into your body yeah and that's what allows things to come in the more that you think of a way out  you're just pushing that energy out so that's why it's it's because you're feeling the experience  you're in and you're feeling the music or you're feeling the creative behind the experiences that  you want to bring for people especially in this podcast like you you're you're so in your body and  so I was explaining the other day that you know an artist when they create they're not the pens  and the paper and the colors and all of these things they know how to use them to create a  beautiful image and so you are not your body you just need to know how to use your body to create  a beautiful life for yourself and part of that is utilizing your body like moving in feeling things  and that's a big part of manifestation as well is feeling things in your body before you even  experience it in your reality because again you're taking back control over what you're  experiencing so when you surrender you are fully submerging that experience allowing yourself to  feel it because when you feel things in your body it's almost like you activate new part to yourself  yeah and that's when the answers come but it is literally just moved moving into your body and  people forget that aspect of healing completely yeah and when when you break these things down  there's nothing that's like sorry I don't I don't get that say that again it is actually  really simple steps that we can take to shift ourselves and work through things and the hardest  things you know emotions are so difficult when we're going through you know really tough times  having to let go of something or someone letting go of that and  one thing I've noticed is when when we're in those times of either surrendering or letting  go which I suppose you could say maybe the same thing but or similar or linked together  we're allowing space for new energy to come in when we do that essentially if we're letting go of  something that doesn't serve us or a bad pattern or a habit or a bad person or a friendship family  whoever it is whoever just creates that thing inside you that you know isn't serving you when  you let go of that you invite new energy in and that's when things that is manifestation that's  when things start to pop in your life things are looking a bit better yeah and then you compound  that and snowball it and go with it one thing I wanted to say to you today now I've met you  is to hear how you speak at the age you're at in your life I'm just blown away I'm like if I  if I had this knowledge at 22. I'd be like I don't even know yeah so it's it's to see someone online  meet them in person feel their energy opposite you and hear how you speak and I can I can see  you're very in your power and now we've connected and hopefully staking it too I'm excited to see  where you go like the next 10 years because I can hear the shifts you will be creating in people's  lives and I'm sure the listeners are hearing that today yeah so I just want to say a big thank you  for taking time trust in a stranger this is not advice to everyone like trust strangers go and  meet random people for podcasts like make sure that person is like legit and you know of of a  good mindset and it's gonna like you know look after you so I just want to say thank you for  for trusting this what it was going to be and and giving your time and energy to to the listeners  where can people find you and what you do obviously Tick Tock yeah is a big one yeah  but I would say please go and tap into Chelsea because you will find some absolute gems in the  content she's created where can people find you so um on Instagram on Tick Tock and I don't really do  Facebook to be honest um but it's Chelsea dot sacredactivation I think that's what's on Tick  Tock as well um but most of the things that I do are online at the minute but the justice Bible  what type of work do you do with people online so so people can get a sense of what that would look  like if they connected with you so at the minute I'm doing a lot of online programs so it's like  master classes so either one day or there's longer programs so at the end of April I'm  doing a seven day chakra intensive so I do things like that where I will take you through a to z of  of all of the chakras all of the energy so you understand your life a little bit more um and  then there's odd little master classes that I do at the minute I do do Reiki so I will do like you  can discover what your blockages are and that's just a one-off session um but apart from that it  is just the master classes and the the mini little breakthroughs yeah sign me up I'm gonna come and  do you I'm gonna come and do something definitely I'm gonna come and do some some work with you and  see what that looks like but thank you for this today thank you for the opportunity I knew time  would fly by I feel like we could do this for like another three hours but there's an open invite  whenever you want to come and do this again yeah come and connect back with me and the people that  are listening as we're growing as well like-minded individuals and the biggest thing I can ask to do  for you guys that are listening is if you've enjoyed this and you know someone that might  benefit from it pass this energy on to somebody else because the beautiful thing is I go back and  get to edit this and listen again and then when it goes live I listen from a listener's perspective  and I get a whole new wave of information so if you know anyone that's going to benefit from this  conversation with Chelsea please pass it on remember no matter what you're going through  in life it's all about perspective like Chelsea said it's all about moving from a new place A New  Perspective shifting energies to get back to place where it feels like life is sound that's why I've  called this podcast like this sound like life is good life is okay it's just even when you're in  the front shift that perspective and that'll get you back to a better place so I appreciate you  today Chelsea thanks for coming and hopefully we'll connect again in the future remember guys  no matter what you're going through life is good life is sound and I'll see you on the next one